Launched on 1 July 2020 is the online version of the PiraMMMida show at the cancelled 2020 Venice Biennale of Architecture. is a transdisciplinary, transmedia project devoted to ridiculing, tricking, twisting, queering, resisting – and perverting – the pyramidal spectres and structures which haunt the worlds of architecture, art, academia and the everyday. In particular, Cyber-PiraMMMida is fascinated by "fake horizontals": pharaonic edifices of exploitation masquerading as paragons of grassrootist virtue. PiraMMMida is named in anti-homage to MMM Bank, an infamous pyramid scheme established by convicted fraudster Sergei Mavrodi (1932-2018) in 1991 in Russia. MMM Bank spread to much of the Global South and Global East in the 2000s and 2010s, in the process defrauding thousands of vulnerable people of their livelihoods – some of whom joined the scheme perfectly knowing its fraudulent nature but still desiring to cash out before others as it collapses.
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Denis Maksimov Masha Mileeva Michał Murawski David Roberts
Cornerstone piraMMMidalists
Marco Baravalle / David Bernstein / David Brodsky / Victor Buchli and Ethno-ISS / Keti Chukhrov / Alberto Duman / Liva Dudareva / Philippa Hetherington / Jeeva_D and Georgia Martin (8 years old) / Rita Kuleva / Agnieszka Kurant / Alena Ledeneva / Thandi Loewenson / Barbara Penner / Georgios Papadopoulos / Peg Rawes / Jane Rendell / Tabita Rezaire / Natalia Romik / Rafael Schacter / Uta Staiger / Centre for Plausible Economies (Kathrin Böhm + Kuba Szreder) / Peter Zusi
Supported by the Bartlett Architectural Research Fund, UCL European Institute (Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence), Strelka Mag and the FRINGE Centre for the Study of Social and Cultural Complexity.
Realised in partnership with S.a.L.E. Docks and Avenir Institute.
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